Monday 18 August 2014

Making of BBI 1st video (BTS)

 Taman Tumbina Bintulu is an unique attraction that you must visit whenever you are in Bintulu. This place was officially opened in 2nd of August 1991. It is an integration of botanical and zoological garden that provides you a glimpse of the diverse flora and fauna of Borneo.

The first animal we saw is the otter. There are only two otters in this park and they are so cute! Both of them always stick together like husband and wife. So sweet! 

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The second animal is the hornbill which is a must-see-animal in Taman Tumbina. There are few types of hornbill in the park from common to rare species.

                     Rhinoceros hornbill

                  White-crowned hornbill

There are also many tortoises over here and of course the most excited people will be one of our groupmate, Wei Li. He is completely a reptile lover and  he got the chance to hold and touch the tortoises in the cage.

The last one is the butterfly park without butterfly…… We don’t really know why they named it as butterfly park though but one thing we can tell you is the flowers and plants inside this park are breath-taking. 

There are few more places we haven’t been through yet because of the time matter. But definitely we will go to this place again someday.

Best friends are people who make your problems their problems, just so you don’t have to go through them alone.

Thursday 14 August 2014

The Island of Dolls (Isla de las Munecas)

Hello guys! Today we are going to show you about the Island of Dolls in Mexico. Be ready before you enter, it is creepy, scary, terrifying, haunted......

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This is a real place located in a southern borough of Mexico City on a man-made island which has been home to thousand of terrifying and decaying dolls for decades. It has became one of the most creepiest tourist attraction.

They are hung on the trees or wooden fences like laundry left to dry. It looks like the decaying corpse of children from far view.


Their dead eyes stare at you. Most of their skin is scabbed and rotting.

The island was once the property of Don Julián Santana, a local farmer. In 1950, he found a little girl drowned in the canal and then her spirit began to haunt the place. Soon after, he saw a doll floating by in the canal he then hung it on a tree to please the girl. He hoped to appease her tortured soul and also protect the island from further evil. Later on, he started to gather them from trash heaps and hung them around the island like Christmas ornaments. Over half a century, he collected more than 1,500 of these little creepy dolls. Santana died of a heart attack in 2001, and a small white cross near the water marks his grave. His cousin Anastasio now lives on the island and running it as a tourist attraction.

The Oldest Doll in the Island

All hanging dolls look like the corpses of children

“ Believe it or not, They will move their heads and whisper to each other in the middle of night. Be ready before you enter this island! ” says Anastasio.

References :

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Weird@Strange Animals

Hello there dearest reader . We would like to share to you about some strange or weird animals that you probably didn't it exist .  We found this animals at . If you want to know more about these animals , you can search this animals name on Google . Well , we bet you're the type of person who lazy to read a lot so we just summarize the explanation and facts about this animals .

This is Pink Fairy Armadillo. 

Pink Fairy Armadillo . ( sr : wikipedia)

The pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) or pichiciego is the smallest species of armadilloPink fairy armadillos are endemic to central Argentina and have been found primarily in the Mendoza province as well as in Buenos AiresSan Juan, and La PampaIt lives in dry grasslands, sandy plains, and dunes. The Mendozan area consists of both warm and cold seasons, and likewise, a wet and dry season. These varying average temperatures are things the armadillo must be able to adapt to. An average high during the warm season is approximately 80 °F and the cold season might only have a high of 60 °F with an average low of 36 °F. The pink fairy armadillo’s main source of food consists of ants and larvae it finds underground while digging or actively searching for food. Plant leaves and roots also make a good secondary dietary option for their underground lifestyle. The pink fairy armadillo is 90-115 mm (3.5-4.5 in) long, and typically weighs about 120 g and has very visible long, white, silky hair sticking out from under its armor. The fine hair helps the Pink Fairy Armadillo for keeping it body temperature in constant . The armored shell consists of 24 bands that allow the animal to curl up in a ball, and the armor is flattened in the posterior portion of the animal so that it can compress dirt behind it as it is digging. This compression strategy is thought to help prevent tunnel collapses and also helps in maintaining the body heat or body temperature . The two massive claws of the Pink Fairy Armadillo helps the armadillo to dig burrows in compacted soil very quickly .The pink fairy armadillo is nicknamed the "sand-swimmer" because it is said that it can "burrow through the ground as fast as a fish can swim in the sea". Pink Fairy Armadillo main predator is the coyote .  


Next is the Gerenuk .



The Gerenuk Litocranius walleri, also known as the Waller's gazelle, is a long-necked species of antelope found in dry thorn shrubland and desert in the Horn of Africa and the African Great Lakes region. The word gerenuk comes from the Somali language, meaning "giraffe-necked". Gerenuk are sometimes also called the giraffe-necked antelope . Gerenuks have a relatively small head for their body, but their eyes and ears are proportionately large. Only the males have horns and they also have a more muscular neck than females. Both sexes have ruddy brown coats with a paler underbelly . They have short, black tipped tails. The Gerenuk is easily recognizable from its distinctive long and skinny neck which can be elongated further if need be for activities like feeding off the taller brambles and undergrowth of the desert. It also has remarkably long slender legs which are another great advantage as they can gallop away into the distance at very high speeds from any form of predator trying to attack. However, because of the extreme length of their legs, they can be more liable to fracture of the leg bone.There have been numerous occasions in which Gerenuks actually snapped their long legs due to tripping and stumbling along the ground. From head to tail, the Gerenuk is around 150 centimetres  long. Males are a little taller than females, at 89–105 cm  tall, with the females typically 80–100 cm  tall. The male is also heavier than the female, weighing 45 kilograms , while females weigh around 30 kg . Many breeders of Gerenuks and zoologists have described Gerenuks as being extremely humble animals, always helping fellow Gerenuks. In ancient African tribal tales, the Gerenuk has often been crowned 'Queen of Humbleness.' Gerenuks seldom graze but browse on prickly bushes and trees . They can reach higher branches and twigs than other gazelles and antelope by standing erect on their rear legs and elongating their necks. They appear to favour the more tender leaves and shoots, but will also eat buds, flowersfruit, and herbaceous plants.  Gerenuks do not appear to drink water; they get enough water from the plants they eat. Because of this, they can survive in very dry habitats. Gerenuks are often prey for lionscheetahsjackals and leopards.





Next strange animal is the Glaucus Atlanticus

Glaucus Atlanticus

Glaucus Atlanticus

Glaucus atlanticus commonly known as the sea swallowblue angelblue glaucusblue dragonblue sea slug and blue ocean slug is a species of small-sized blue sea slug . At maturity Glaucus atlanticus can be up to 3 centimetres in length. It is silvery grey on its dorsal side and dark and pale blue ventrally. It has dark blue stripes on its head. It has a tapering body which is flattened, and has six appendages which branch out into rayed, finger-like cerata. Regions where this slug is found include the East and South Coast of South Africa, European waters, the east coast of Australia and Mozambique.This species floats upside down on the surface tension of the ocean. If you want to know more about this creature , click this link 

The last strange animal for tonight is the Shoebill .



I used to scare of this strange bird because of this picture when I was little - Glenice Bulan

The shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) also known as whalehead or shoe-billed stork, is a very large stork-like bird. It derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped billThe Shoebill was only classified in the 19th century when some skins were brought to Europe. It was not until years later that live specimens reached the scientific community. However, the bird was known to both ancient Egyptians and ArabsThe Shoebill is a tall bird, with a typical height range of 110 to 140 cm ) and some specimens reaching as much as 152 cm. Length from tail to beak can range from 100 to 140 cm  and wingspan is 230 to 260 cm . Weight has reportedly ranged from 4 to 7 kg . A male will weigh on average around 5.6 kg  and is larger than a typical female of 4.9 kg . The signature feature of the species is its huge, bulbous bill, which is straw-coloured with erratic greyish markings. The exposed culmen is 18.8 to 24 cm . The sharp edges in the mandibles help the Shoebill to decapitate their prey and also to discard any vegetation after prey has been caught.  The dark coloured legs are fairly long, with a tarsus length of 21.7 to 25.5 cm . The Shoebill's feet are exceptionally large, with the middle toe reaching 16.8 to 18.5 cm  in length, likely assisting the species in its ability to stand on aquatic vegetation while hunting. The neck is relatively shorter and thicker than other long-legged wading birds such as herons and cranes. The wings are broad, with a wing chord length of 58.8 to 78 cm , and well-adapted to soaring.The Shoebill is noted for its slow movements and tendency to remain still for long periods, resulting in repeated descriptions of the species as "statue-like". They are quite sensitive to human disturbance and may abandon their nests if flushed by humans. However, while foraging, if dense vegetation stands between it and humans, this wader can be fairly tame. The Shoebill is attracted to poorly oxygenated waters where fish frequently surface to breathe. Exceptionally for a bird this large, the Shoebill often stands and perches on floating vegetation, making them appear somewhat like a giant jacana, although the similarly-sized and occasionally sympatric Goliath heron  is also known to stand on aquatic vegetation. Shoebills typically feed in muddy waters and, being solitary birds, forage at a minimum distance of 20 m  from one another even where relatively densely populated. This species stalks its prey patiently, in a slow and lurking fashion. While hunting, the Shoebill strides very slowly and is frequently motionless. Unlike some other large waders, this species hunts entirely using vision and is not known to engage in tactile hunting. When prey is spotted, it launches a quick, violent strike. However, depending on the size of the prey, handling time after the strike can exceed 10 minutes. Around 60% of strikes are successful in yielding prey. The shoebill is normally silent, but they perform bill-clattering displays at the nest. When engaging in these displays, adult birds have also been noted to utter a cow-like 'moo' as well as high-pitched whines. Both nestlings and adults engage in bill-clattering during the nesting season as a means of communication. When young are begging for food, they call out with a sound uncannily like human hiccups.In one case, a flying adult bird was heard uttering hoarse croaks, apparently as a sign of aggression at a nearby Marabou Stork

Marabou Strok

Monday 4 August 2014

Iguazu Falls

Well hello there lovely reader .

Today we would like to share to you about Iguazu Falls .

Iguazu Falls is a waterfall of the Iguazu River on the border of the Argentina province of Misiones and the Brazilian state of Paraná. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the city of Curitiba. The river flows through Brazil for most of its course, although most of the falls are on the Argentine side. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentina and Brazil.


The name "Iguazu" comes from the Guarani or Tupi words "y" [ɨ], meaning "water", and "ûasú "[waˈsu], meaning "big". Legend has it that a god planned to marry a beautiful woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover Tarobá in a canoe. In rage, the god sliced the river, creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to an eternal fall. The first European to "find" the falls was the Spanishconquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541.

The junction of the water flows marks the border between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. There are points in the cities of Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, which have access to the Iguazu River, where the borders of all three nations can be seen, a popular tourist attraction for visitors to the three cities.
The Iguazu Falls are arranged in a way that seems like a reverse letter "J". The border between Brazil and Argentina runs through the Devil's Throat. On the right bank is the Brazilian territory, which has just over 20% of the jumps of these falls, and the left side jumps are Argentine, which make up almost 80% of the falls.Iguazu Falls aka Iguassu Falls or Iguaçu Falls, are waterfalls of the Iguazu River located on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu.

Devil's Throat 

Devil's Throat

The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along 2.7 kilometers (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River.

Walkways allow close views of the falls from both Argentina and Brazil 

Taller than Niagara Falls and twice as wide, Iguazu Falls are the result of a volcanic eruption which left a large crack in the earth. During the rainy season of November – March, the rate of flow of water going over the falls may reach 450,000 cubic feet (12,750 cubic m) per second.The best times to see Iguazu Falls are in the spring and fall. Summer is intensely tropically hot and humid, and in winter the water level is considerably lower.

-Uma Devi Rajeswaran

Sulcata Tortoise

Hello there and welcome ,

Today I would like to share to you guys about Sulcata Tortoise .

I bought my sulcata tortoise from an online pet store which is located in Kuala Lumpur. The owner send the tortoise from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu by Bus Express . I still can remember it was Sani Express. That tortoise caught my eye because of their behavior, size and temperant. They can grow from a cute little strawberry size baby tortoise to a huge big giant size tortoise .

They usually can be found in the wild of Sahara Desert. I have been keeping this Sulcata tortoise for 2 years and for your information , my Sulcata tortoise is a female tortoise . To differentiate the sex of a tortoise is not difficult.Male tortoise owns long and big tail while female tortoise is vice-versa , which owns short and stubby tail . I gained a lot of knowledge by keeping them as a pet. I frequently spend my time with my tortoise by letting it graze in my garden. Usually she will eat any weeds she sees. My brother called her as " Lawn Mower ". Having this tortoise as a pet is not as hard as you think . It is very easy. They consume a lot of vegetables, grasses, weeds, flowers and sometimes some fruits. They do not eat meat. They are herbivorous, but some tropical species of tortoises are omnivorous like ; 

Red Footed Tortoises,

Elongated Tortoises

. Back to the main topic, in captivity a UVB lamp is a must for them. UVB bulb produce infrared and stimulate their appetite. UVB bulbs also enables them to digest their food normally.
Multi-Vitamin and Calcium + D3 is also vital for their growth. Those vitamins supplements are in powder form. Just sprinkles a few on their meal. Not too much and not too less. Calcium D3 can helps them grow strong bone and prevent them from getting MBD disease, Metabolic Bone Disease. Meanwhile, the Multi-Vitamin has all their needed mineral trace element to help them grow healthily.

-Lim Wei Li