Sunday 3 August 2014

First BBI Video Presentation

Hello there awesome creature of the earth . Nice to meet you , welcome to our blog . To be honest , we suppose to post this last 2 weeks ago but the internet connection is not in a very "good mood" . So , we decided to post it now .  Frankly speaking , our BBI lecturer asked us the DKHP students to create a short video ( 1 minute ) . Our group created a video which entitled " First Experience in University Putra Malaysia Bintulu Campus (UPMKB) " . Sadly our video took more than a minute to finish . At first , we thought our group video is the longest but the other groups video's also more than a minute . Our lecturer gave us about a week to get the video ready . At first we thought that we cannot finish the video within that short time . So, we decided to start shooting after class and during our free time . Our group do have hard time deciding how the video concept is but glad that all of us came out for some ideas and work together to finish the task given by our lecturer . =D Our video is about a some new students opinions and first experience about the campus especially during the registration day . Finally , we've finish our shot video in time . Thanks to all of our group members for the great cooperation .

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Here our group first video presentation :  -enjoy-

Sorry I think something went wrong because I'm having trouble uploading the video . Sorry :( We'll try to upload it again but we cannot promise when will the video will be uploaded .

-Glenice Bulan

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