Monday 4 August 2014

Sulcata Tortoise

Hello there and welcome ,

Today I would like to share to you guys about Sulcata Tortoise .

I bought my sulcata tortoise from an online pet store which is located in Kuala Lumpur. The owner send the tortoise from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu by Bus Express . I still can remember it was Sani Express. That tortoise caught my eye because of their behavior, size and temperant. They can grow from a cute little strawberry size baby tortoise to a huge big giant size tortoise .

They usually can be found in the wild of Sahara Desert. I have been keeping this Sulcata tortoise for 2 years and for your information , my Sulcata tortoise is a female tortoise . To differentiate the sex of a tortoise is not difficult.Male tortoise owns long and big tail while female tortoise is vice-versa , which owns short and stubby tail . I gained a lot of knowledge by keeping them as a pet. I frequently spend my time with my tortoise by letting it graze in my garden. Usually she will eat any weeds she sees. My brother called her as " Lawn Mower ". Having this tortoise as a pet is not as hard as you think . It is very easy. They consume a lot of vegetables, grasses, weeds, flowers and sometimes some fruits. They do not eat meat. They are herbivorous, but some tropical species of tortoises are omnivorous like ; 

Red Footed Tortoises,

Elongated Tortoises

. Back to the main topic, in captivity a UVB lamp is a must for them. UVB bulb produce infrared and stimulate their appetite. UVB bulbs also enables them to digest their food normally.
Multi-Vitamin and Calcium + D3 is also vital for their growth. Those vitamins supplements are in powder form. Just sprinkles a few on their meal. Not too much and not too less. Calcium D3 can helps them grow strong bone and prevent them from getting MBD disease, Metabolic Bone Disease. Meanwhile, the Multi-Vitamin has all their needed mineral trace element to help them grow healthily.

-Lim Wei Li 

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