Thursday 14 August 2014

The Island of Dolls (Isla de las Munecas)

Hello guys! Today we are going to show you about the Island of Dolls in Mexico. Be ready before you enter, it is creepy, scary, terrifying, haunted......

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This is a real place located in a southern borough of Mexico City on a man-made island which has been home to thousand of terrifying and decaying dolls for decades. It has became one of the most creepiest tourist attraction.

They are hung on the trees or wooden fences like laundry left to dry. It looks like the decaying corpse of children from far view.


Their dead eyes stare at you. Most of their skin is scabbed and rotting.

The island was once the property of Don Julián Santana, a local farmer. In 1950, he found a little girl drowned in the canal and then her spirit began to haunt the place. Soon after, he saw a doll floating by in the canal he then hung it on a tree to please the girl. He hoped to appease her tortured soul and also protect the island from further evil. Later on, he started to gather them from trash heaps and hung them around the island like Christmas ornaments. Over half a century, he collected more than 1,500 of these little creepy dolls. Santana died of a heart attack in 2001, and a small white cross near the water marks his grave. His cousin Anastasio now lives on the island and running it as a tourist attraction.

The Oldest Doll in the Island

All hanging dolls look like the corpses of children

“ Believe it or not, They will move their heads and whisper to each other in the middle of night. Be ready before you enter this island! ” says Anastasio.

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